Being an adult

Being an adult sucks. Okay, sure, maybe like little bits here there are good, I don’t have to ask my parents if I can go somewhere (though in all honestly I still do sometimes, but recently it’s not been as bad), I can drink alcohol on a Tuesday night if I want, I can drink alcohol period is nice, I believe I’ve matured enough to be able to take on both side of an argument (though I’ve always been motherly as I’ve had to grow up fast), my opinion is valued… sometimes, I guess being 21 people still see you as a kid.

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Industry Overview

          For my class Industry Overivew (Industry Overview explores the nature of the writing industry. It will explore experienced practitioners and experts from different aspects of the industry.) I have to write about all the people who visited the class and spoke about the profession that they are in. AND SO HERE IT IS! Considering my blog is about writing, and my life, and how I go about being a young adult in the brand new world I thought I’d put it here. c: I hope whoever is reading this finds it interesting. It’s under a read more, and names / what they do is listed.

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